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Actividad Preventiva Slu. (*)
Maestranza Consultores in developing a strategy of specialization justified by the particular importance of risk management in the company, through the investee company Actividad Preventiva SLu.
Risks that can affect an organization are diverse and different in nature, and their potential materialization can jeopardize relationships with different stakeholders (customers, authorities, suppliers, etc.) and even business continuity. Therefore, risk management is becoming more critical and relevant within systems management aspect.
Laboral Risk Prevention
legal obligation for companies to develop preventive activities with own means and those who wish voluntarily, as established by Law 31/1995 Occupational Risk Prevention and Royal Decree 39/1997, approving the Regulation of the Services approved Prevention and amended by Royal Decrees 604/2006 and 337/2010.
Compliance programs
The entry into force in Spain Reforms of the Criminal Code of 2010 and July 2015, introduce criminal liability of legal persons, establishing the possibility that they are these who respond directly and in parallel for crimes committed by individuals with links with the entity.
Technological Risks
The organizations have recognized the need to control technological risks arising from the use of ICT, both regulatory and technical and business as it is a critical element for success in achieving its objectives and survival.
Financial Risk
Financial risks in enterprises involve the probability of an adverse event occurrence and its negative financial consequences for an organization, including the possibility that the financial results are higher or lower than expected.
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